Episode #95: Kevin Berthia: Suicide Survivor and Prevention Advocate – Everyone Has a Why

Kevin Berthia

Meet Kevin Berthia, the real-life superhero of resilience. He’s not your average advocate and speaker; he’s a survivor who’s been through the depths of despair and come out stronger than ever. Kevin’s journey is nothing short of remarkable.

Kevin’s life was once a rollercoaster of hiding his pain behind a facade of partying and laughter. But it all changed dramatically when he faced a very public suicide attempt at the iconic Golden Gate Bridge. It was a turning point that transformed his life.

Since 2013, Kevin has been captivating audiences worldwide with his raw and honest story. He doesn’t just share his pain; he shows how he overcame it and learned to fully be himself, embracing life to the fullest. He’s on a mission to inspire others to break their silence and reach out for help when they need it most.

Kevin’s message of hope has resonated with people from all walks of life, and it’s been featured in numerous magazines and news outlets. He’s even graced the screens of shows like the Steve Harvey Show, Red Table Talk, and the Dr. Phil Show. Remember that iconic photo of him standing on the bridge’s chord? It made it to the front page of the San Francisco Chronicle and was deemed one of the 75 most iconic photos of the 21st Century.

Kevin firmly believes that survivors of suicide attempts play a crucial role in preventing others from going down that dark path. Who better to shed light on the darkness than someone who’s walked through it?

Episode Disclaimer

Before we dive into today’s episode, we want to address that we will be discussing the topic of suicide. This is a sensitive and important subject that can be triggering for some listeners. If you or someone you know is struggling with thoughts of suicide, we urge you to seek help from a mental health professional or a helpline.

In the United States, you can contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255) for immediate assistance. Or you can use the Crisis Text Line by texting HOME to 741741
Please prioritize your well-being, and remember that there is help and hope available.

We chat with Kevin Berthia about:

  • Kevin Berthia takes us back to the moment on the Golden Gate Bridge and shares what was going through his mind during his suicide attempt
  • The turning point or realization that inspired him to seek help and choose life after surviving that fateful day
  • His advocacy work has been instrumental in suicide prevention.
  • How he believes that his personal experience as a suicide survivor uniquely equips him to contribute to suicide prevention and mental health awareness
  • In a world where mental health stigma still exists, advice he has for individuals who may be struggling but are hesitant to seek help or share their pain with others
  • The importance of open conversations about mental health, and what role he sees them playing in suicide prevention and destigmatization
  • Kevin answers our “Fast 5 Questions” and the question we ask all of our guests, “What does a life well lived mean to you?”

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